Whiteboard Sessions

Whiteboard Sessions

Join Steve Larson as he covers popular topics about positive displacement pumps & systems


Pressure Override

What is cavitation? What is its effect on a system components? What are the application factors that cause cavitation? Steve Larson, P.E. and Engineering Manager, describes the impacts of cavitation. Incorrectly sizing a pressure regulating valve could lead to system overpressurization. Steve Larson, P.E. and Engineering Manager, explains how this happens and how to prevent.


Tank Design

Why use a pulsation dampener? How do they work? Where is the best location in a system?  Steve Larson, P.E. and Engineering Manager, discusses how to size and locate pulsation dampeners for best results. Important design and sizing tips for reservoirs (tanks), when used. Steve Larson, P.E. and Engineering Manager points out the benefits of baffles, where to locate return lines and other tank-related topics.

Pump Rotation

Thermal Valves

Is there a preferred rotational direct for Cat Pumps positive displacement high-pressure pumps? Steve Larson, P.E. and Engineering Manager, discusses why pump rotation can matter in an application. Why are thermal valves sometimes necessary? How do they work and where is the best location in a system? Steve Larson, P.E. and Engineering Manager, provides a complete review of thermal valves.


What is a “safe liquid zone”? How does temperature affect the properties of seals and liquids? Steve Larson, P.E. and Engineering Manager, discusses the key considerations of temperature in a system.  



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